CRI Research Fellows

Dr. Francis X. Tannian

Senior Economic Fellow

Ph.D. in economics (University of Virginia), M.A. in economics (Boston College) and A.B. in classics (Boston College) is professor emeritus of urban economics from the University of Delaware and currently President of Water Is Life Kenya. Dr. Tannian joined the faculty of the University of Delaware in 1968 and retired in 2000. During that time he was a U.S. State Department lecturer in Eastern Europe, a visiting professor at the Institute for Regional Science, University of Karlsruhe and the University of Nitra, and associate dean of the College of Urban Affairs and Public Policy. In addition to publishing in professional journals and authoring numerous monographs, Dr. Tannian has served on the Delaware governor's Economic Advisory Committee and Urban Community Revitalization Task Force, the City of Wilmington's Economic Development Committee and the Catholic Diocese Foundation.