CRI Research Fellows

Dr. James Butkiewicz

Senior Economic Fellow

Ph.D. in economics (University of Virginia), and B.A. in economics (Wilkes College, Magna Cum Laude), is a professor in the department of economics at the University of Delaware. Since joining the University in 1974, Dr. Butkiewicz has served as chair of the department of economics, acting director of economic graduate programs, and has twice been associate dean of the College of Business and Economics. He has received the University's Excellence in Teaching and Excellence in Graduate Teaching Awards, and a national award from the Joint Council on Economic Education. Dr. Bukiewicz's research interests include the determinants of economic growth, monetary theory and macroeconomic theory and policy analysis. He is on the editorial board of the Eastern Economic Journal and has been acting editor and is currently associate editor. He is an active referee for two dozen journals. Dr. Butkiewicz has numerous publications in professional journals, including Economic Modeling, Journal of Policy Modeling, World Development, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Public Choice, and the Journal of Monetary Economics. He has been active in Delaware for many years, having most recently served as a member of Governor Markell's budget transition team.