CRI News

Delaware Economic Update 2020 Q3: Economy coming back but slowly

Delaware Economic Update 2020 Q3 Economy coming back but slowly   By Dr. John Stapleford Date: 12/9/2020   OUTLOOK According to the forecasters’ survey of the Philadelphia Federal Reserve, Delaware's RGP will grow 19.1% in 2020 Q3 and 5.8% in 20...
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Location driven by income tax rates

Location driven by income tax rates By Dr. John Stapleford Center for Economic Policy and Analysis December 1, 2020   Delaware is projected to collect $1.7 billion of personal income tax revenue in FY 21.   Research evidences that, over time, states with an in...
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Delaware Piles on the Regulations

Delaware Piles on the Regulations By Dr. John Stapleford Center for Economic Policy and Analysis November 20, 2020   By definition, government-imposed regulations are limits to individual and business freedoms. Some regulations are necessary, such as speed limits and...
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Don't wager on Delaware's economy

Don't wager on Delaware's economy By Dr. John Stapleford Center for Economic Policy and Analysis November 17, 2020   The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics compiles data on employment, wages, and establishments by industry for each state. The wage data for Delaware ...
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Delaware Sales Tax, Yes or No?

By Dr. John Stapleford Center for Economic Policy and Analysis October 31, 2020   Delaware state government is facing two years of flat general tax revenue. If instituting a state sales tax becomes a legislative issue, retailers may suffer substantial non-resident sales ...
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Can DE's beach economy take another hit after COVID?

By David T. Stevenson October 22, 2020   Delaware’s beach economy is reeling from the impact of government-imposed lockdowns to flatten the curve of new infections and hospitalizations from COVID-19. The Rehoboth/Dewey Chamber of Commerce estimated in July,...
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It's time for PHASE 3 Delaware!

By Dr. John Stapleford October 20, 2020   The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) had released the "Employment Data" report by major industry through August 2020.   It clearly shows that Delaware’s economy will not have a healthy recove...
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Investigate Carney for Nursing Home Deaths

By David T. Stevenson October 12, 2020   Governor Carney should be added to the US Attorney General’s list of states under investigation for sending COVID-19 positive patients back to long-term care facilities.    Delaware had the eleventh highest...
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Alternative High Frequency Data

Alternative High Frequency Data By Dr. John Stapleford September 30, 2020   Economic data for states and metropolitan areas are released by the Federal government with a lag of one month to two quarters. So, business economists are always hunting for more high fre...
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Energy Lawsuit Wastes Taxpayer Money

Energy Lawsuit Wastes Taxpayer Money By David T. Stevenson September 23, 2020   Delaware's Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against conventional energy companies, including Exxon Mobil, claiming they fraudulently covered up their contribution to ma...
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