CRI News

Budget Growth Exposes Delaware's Real Priorities

Budget Growth Exposes Delaware's Real Priorities By Charlie Copeland, Director  Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending July 22, 2022     Over the last twenty years, the Consumer Price Index has risen *62...
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Delaware's Mix of Businesses has Changed - Regulations Need to Change

Delaware's Mix of Businesses has Changed - Regulations Need to Change By Charlie Copeland, Director  Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending July 8, 2022     In the late 1990s, Delaware's economy was known for the "...
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So Much for Transparency

So Much for Transparency By Dr. Tanya Hettler, Ph.D., Director  Center for Educational Excellence June 30, 2022      Transparency has recently become a hot topic nationally and in Delaware. Concerns about transparency in education have focused...
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Zero emissions impact from Delaware energy Policy

Zero emissions impact from Delaware energy Policy By David T. Stevenson, Director Center for Energy & Environmental Policy June 28, 2022     Governor Carney set a goal of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 26% from 2005 levels by 2025. A 2019 federa...
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University of Delaware Disappoints Again

University of Delaware Disappoints Again By David T. Stevenson, Director Center for Energy & Environmental Policy June 23, 2022     In 2018, Governor Carney convened an Offshore Wind Working Group composed of very capable people from across a spectrum of ener...
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No Emission Reduction Gained from Increasing Wind & Solar

No Emission Reduction Gained from Increasing Wind & Solar By David T. Stevenson, Director Center for Energy & Environmental Policy June 20, 2022     I continued my ongoing analysis of electric generation in the PJM regional grid where Delaware is ...
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Delaware's 'Climate Change Solution Act' has major problems

Delaware's 'Climate Change Solution Act' has major problems By David T. Stevenson, Director Center for Energy & Environmental Policy June 1, 2022     With only a month to go in the 2022 legislative session, the Governor of Delaware has sent a ma...
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Why both Choice and Charter Schools Really Matter in Delaware

Why both 'Choice' and Charter Schools Really Matter in Delaware By Dr. Tanya Hettler, Ph.D., Director  Center for Educational Excellence May 27, 2022      Delaware is known throughout the country for its particular brand of school choice. I...
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Death Spiral Demographics in Delaware

Death Spiral Demographics in Delaware  By Charlie Copeland, Director  Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending May 25, 2022 (Also, published on 5/31/2022 by Delaware State News.)     In 2011, the  Caesar Ro...
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The Green Amendment is virtual signaling with Bad Consequences

The Green Amendment is "virtual signaling" with Bad Consequences By the CRI Team May 17, 2022     House Bill 220 is an amendment to the Delaware Constitution that would guarantee a clean environment to every person in the state and says in part: &n...
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