CRI News

We Oppose Delaware Offshore Wind because it’s Expensive, Unreliable, and Threatens the Natural Environment

We Oppose Delaware Offshore Wind because it's Expensive, Unreliable, and Threatens the Natural Environment By Vil Vongphrachanh, CRI Staff May 2, 2023      In a recent announcement, NJ League of Conservation Voters' Executive Director, Ed Potosnak accus...
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Bring Traditional Discipline Back into Delaware Schools

  Bring Traditional Discipline Back into Delaware Schools  By Dr. Tanya Hettler, Ph.D. Center for Educational Excellence April 24, 2023      In 2014, the Obama Administration felt that there was discrimination in the way in which discipline was ap...
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Electoral Trends in Delaware

Electoral Trends in Delaware By Charlie Copeland, Director Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending March 23, 2023     "This is the first principle of democracy: that the essential things in men are the things they hold in common, ...
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Delaware Legislators concerned over ‘Electric Car Mandate’ hosts several town hall meetings in their local district

Delaware Legislators Concerned over 'Electric Car Mandate' Hosts Several Town Hall Meetings in their Local District      Photo Credit: Senator Brian Pettyjohn     NEWARK, DE (March 22, 2023) - Delaware public officials are hosting town hall m...
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Delaware’s Unemployment is Fourth Worst in the Nation

Delaware's Unemployment is Fourth Worst in the Nation By Charlie Copeland, Director Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending March 1, 2023     "That's the way it is with entrepreneurial people. You try one thing, it doesn...
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First Annual Report Card on Delaware Governance: CRI Gives out Four F’s

First Annual Report Card on Delaware Governance: CRI Gives out Four F's     "It was important to evaluate these issues in a familiar format like a report card where Delawareans can clearly see how bad it really is and why CRI's work is so important. Delaware real...
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2023 Legislative Priorities for Delaware K-12 Education

2023 Legislative Priorities for Delaware K-12 Education By Dr. Tanya Hettler, Ph.D. Center for Education Excellence January 31, 2023     Delaware's terrible scores on the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) have been big new...
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Governor Fails to Achieve His Own 'Vision for Delaware'

Governor Fails to Achieve His Own 'Vision for Delaware' By Charlie Copeland, Director Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending January 27, 2023     "I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three me...
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Delaware Needs a ‘Pick-me-up’

Delaware Needs a 'Pick-me-up' How about a new song? By Charlie Copeland Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending December 30, 2022     In 1925, Delaware's government anointed a state song, "Our Delaware," by an act o...
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Increased Education Spending not producing Educated Students

Increased Education Spending not producing Educated Students By Dr. Tanya Hettler, Ph.D. Center for Education Excellence December 30, 2022     In the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data from 2020, as provided in the report "K-12 Education Spending Spotlight: An i...
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